The root of my artwork and tattoos are inspired by the basic structures of the world around us. Sound waves create distinct patterns when they touch sand or water. Sunlight interacts with tiny crystals in our atmosphere and we get a perfect halo around the sun. When we break down the natural world, when two things come together to make what is unseen seen, it happens to be incredibly beautiful, poetic, and interconnected.

sound frequency + water

NASA Hubble images
Water morphes into a globular design when touched by high frequencies in a similar way in which a supernova is exploding lightyears away. Planets are dying and being born from the same compounds that we get to touch everyday. The science is that we discovered how to perceive what has always been there. The magic is that it is there to begin with. Science and magic feel synonymous in a lot of ways. Like when I slow down and pay attention I notice my relationship with myself reflects the nature of our home - the earth and cosmos. It embraces dualities and begs for truth. It's being born and dying at the same time. It's chaos and peace, destruction and reconstruction. The more I am a student of our cosmic universe, the more I stop fighting myself.

sun halos (parhelic circles) & dog spots
I see stars drifting aimlessly at hundreds of kilometers per second and the space time curving around them. I can even see millions of years into the future. That blue twinkle will blow up one day sterilizing every nearby solar system in an apocalypse that would make the wrath of human Gods seem pitiful by comparison. But it is from such destruction that I was formed. Stars must die so that I can live. I stepped out of a supernova. And so did you.
- Alan Watts
My artistic practice ends up being deeply intertwined with life. I am first a student of the world. My curiosity, ability to listen, and desire to stregnthen and soften is just as much a part of my artistic process as translating it all to paper. I don't claim to to be an expert of anything, but I put my whole heart into the things I choose to do.
I laugh when I think how I once sought paradise as a realm outside of the world of birth. It is right in the world of birth and death that the miraculous truth is revealed. But this is not the laughter of someone who suddenly acquires a great fortune; neither is it the laughter of one who has won a victory. It is, rather, the laughter of one who; after having painfully searched for something for a long time, finds it one morning in the pocket of his coat.
- Thich Nhat Hanh
sand cymatics